Religious Education
[Grades Kindergarten -12]
Classes will be held from 10:00AM - 11:15AM Sundays for all grades. Registration forms can be found on the bottom of this page, or on the Faith Formation page Forms area.
Classes begin Sunday September 15
Click here for the 2024-2025 Religious Ed. Health + Safety Protocols.
To achieve the stated goal, objectives are arranged in four areas:
Increase their understanding of the faith
Form them into a community of believers
Increase their participation in the worship
Increase their participation in and awareness of service
These four important areas are typically referred to as Message, Community, Worship and Service. Also within each grade, the curriculum provides a summary.
The religious education curriculum for the Diocese of Erie is organized first by grade level, and then within each grade level there are several sections which outline important parts of the whole. Each grade level identifies the overall goal that each grade hopes to achieve. This is significant and important. All of the objectives that are assembled in the various sections of the curriculum are organized to achieve this goal.
Each grade also identifies the “Outcomes and Evaluation” that students are expected to master for that year.
These outcomes are identified in three ways:
Curriculum identifies what information the student should know
What attitudes the student should display
What behaviors the student should exhibit because they have participated in this course of study.

The curriculum of the diocese is indexed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Below is an overview of each grade along with the teachers of each grade. Please click below for more information about the Diocese curriculum.
For more information on the new Faith Formation
Process for Grades 6-12, please click here >>
To help the children know, love and serve God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The children begin to learn the parts of the Mass and Prayers: Sign of the Cross; Hail Mary;
Our Father; and the Glory Be.
Taught by: Mary Svirbly
To introduce the children to the fact that God has a Church to help transform the world. Participate in a retreat with parents. Plan and participate their First Eucharistic Celebration.
Taught by: Mary Ellen Doutt
GRADES 6, 7, & 8
Catholic Middle School program called EDGE.
Edge is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program. It provides a safe fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.” In a three-year cycle, Edge addresses all sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a way that fosters integration into the life and experience of middle school youth.
EGDE team: Mary Pat Hanssen
Leah Ann Williams
Grade two will develop the children’s knowledge of the Sacraments with a special emphasis on Reconciliation. Participate in a retreat. Plan and participate their First Reconciliation.
Taught by: Christine Wiesen
Grades 4 & 5
These grade are taught together in one class. The students will focus on the ten commandments and the sacraments in a two-year rotation. Year one will Introduce the children to Catholic moral teaching and to foster moral living. Year two will enable the children to become knowledgeable of and active participants in the sacramental life of the Church.
Taught by: Alexis Onestak
Confirmation Preparation /Purpose
The students will journey toward the sacrament of confirmation with class discussions, service projects and mass participation.
Taught by: JIm Bird
Click below for Religious Education Registration Forms.
If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Religious Education, Lauren DeFelice.
Phone: 724-528-3539 'Option 6
Email: religioused@goodshepherdwm.org