Adult Faith Opportunities
Lifelong faith formation is the process - that all are called to pursue by virtue of our baptism. First and foremost, it is a relationship with Jesus Christ. The directory for Catechesis states: formation is oriented toward forming persons who get to know Jesus Christ by encountering him in totality of mind, heart and senses. (DC 75-76). Therefore, call all ages to deeper conversion through the sacraments and the church.
Come Forth by Fr. James Martin
Beginning on February 13, we will begin a scripture study of perhaps Jesus’ most spectacular miracle story – the Raising of Lazarus. It is found in the book “Come Forth!”, by Jesuit James Martin.
Sign-up sheets are found in the Gathering Space and before we order the books, we need to know how many might attend – cost is $13.00.
The sessions will be held on Thursdays, one in the morning from 9:30 – 11:00 am and another each Thursday afternoon from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. Please sign up soon! It will last until a week or so after Easter, every Thursday except Holy Thursday.
Parish Mission
Fr. Bob Gielow will return to Good Shepherd for a parish Mission
Each mission talk begins at 6:30pm Monday - Wednesday- February 24-25-26