Becoming Catholic
If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church, you are invited to meet in the Good Shepherd Faith Formation Center with a group of people like yourself who are inquiring about the Catholic faith.
This is the normal process that adults participate in to become full, participating and active members of the Catholic Church. Lots of people today are searching for ways to meet their spiritual needs and become affiliated with a parish family. This is the way we accomplish that at Good Shepherd.
With a team of parishioners, those who are inquiring about the faith join in discussions and presentations designed to familiarize them with various aspects of the Catholic faith. Usually beginning in the Fall, the program extends to the Spring, with the celebration of the Easter sacraments.
The initial period before you decide to enter the Catholic Church. You’re asking questions and checking it out, but aren’t yet ready to commit.
Itself, the culmination of the whole process! You’re received into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass, where you’ll receive the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. (If you’ve already been baptized, you won’t be baptized again.)
Those who decide to enter the Church and are being trained for a life in Christ are called catechumens, an ancient name from the early Church. In this stage, you develop your faith and are being “catechized” – learning catechism, or the basic points about the faith and life.
After reception into the Church at Easter, this period lets you reflect and learn more about the mysteries of the Mass and the Sacraments that you now participate in fully.
Purification + Preparation
The Church will help you focus and intensify your faith as you prepare you to commit your life to Christ and be received into the Church at Easter. If you’re following the RCIA process, you’ll go through a beautiful series of Gospel-based meditations during Lent, which is the time frame of this period.
What If?
Persons wishing to come into the Church from other Christian faith traditions do not need to be baptized again but will need to go through First Eucharist and the Confirmation process.
Where Do I Begin?
Classes begin in the Fall and conclude during Holy Week. Individuals wishing to join the Catholic Church are baptized (if necessary) and welcomed into the Church on the Easter Vigil.
If you have questions or would like to take this journey of faith, please contact Father Glenn Whitman at the
Church: 724-528-3539 option 11.
You are welcome to complete the information survey prior to contacting the parish.